Gonzalez's attorney John Morgan filed an emergency motion to compel Casey's appearance at a videotaped deposition.
Gonzalez is suing Casey for defamation, saying she was irrevocably harmed because of Casey's lies to the Orange County Sheriff's Office.
In the emergency motion, Morgan said he's concerned about Casey leaving the jurisdiction, disguising herself and possibly changing her name.
A hearing is scheduled for Friday, July 15 at 10 a.m. in front of Judge Jose Rodriguez.
Lawyers suing Casey Anthony for defamation are so concerned she won't show up for an upcoming deposition that they filed an emergency motion today asking a judge to compel her to appear.
Anthony, who will be released from the Orange County Jail on Sunday, is scheduled to be questioned under oath Tuesday morning at the downtown Orlando office of the Morgan & Morgan law firm.
It's unknown where Anthony will go after her jail release.
The attorneys representing Zenaida Fernandez-Gonzalez, the Kissimmee woman suing Anthony, noted in their motion it has widely been reported Anthony will leave the area after her jail release.
"The undersigned has a good faith basis to believe that the Defendant, CASEY ANTHONY, will leave the jurisdiction of this Court, disguise herself, change her name, etc., making it impossible to ever depose her," the motion said.
In their emergency motion, the attorneys representing Fernandez-Gonzalez asked a judge to compel Anthony to be deposed Tuesday, or in the alternative, before she's released from jail.
Because Anthony is under subpoena to appear, she is legally required to attend the deposition. If she doesn't show, the attorneys for Fernandez-Gonzalez could file a motion to show cause.
If that were to occur, a hearing would be scheduled and Anthony would have to explain to a judge why she didn't attend the deposition.
Anthony's attorney in the civil case, Charles M. Greene, was unavailable this afternoon and did not immediately return a phone call.
John Morgan Emergency Motion for Depo Casey Anthony
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