Orange County commissioners Tuesday morning approved spending more money for a lawyer to continue representing former meter reader Roy Kronk.
Kronk's attorney, David Evans, revealed that the county approved spending up to $2,500.
That's in addition to $10,000 that Evans has already billed the county for representing the man who discovered Caylee Anthony's remains in December.
Evans also adds the county wants him to represent Kronk during an upcoming legal deposition.
VIDEO: Taxpayers Footing Kronk's Bills
After discovering Caylee's remains, Kronk took a higher-paying job with the county.
Due to the notoriety he received after the discovery, Kronk was concerned for his safety if he was to return to walking area neighborhoods reading meters.
Wasn't Kronk driving a county vehicle during "all" the times he suspected he had found Caylee's remains? I do not recall him "being on foot" during one of the early 911 phone calls--he even described the truck to the 911 dispatcher that he was in so that the responding officer could identify him. ~my two cents
video courtesy wftv orlando
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