Cheney Mason says Casey is safe, and is being guarded while she's in counseling. Mason also said, even he was surprised by her not guilty verdict.

Friday, in his typical wry, sometimes sarcastic tone, Casey Anthony defense attorney Cheney Mason made a presentation and answered questions for members of the Tiger Bay Club of Central Florida.
His topic was "The Case Against Casey Anthony."
"Casey has had her day in court, she's not saying anything else. And by the way, who is going to believe her anyway," Mason told the group.
Even while taking a slight jab at his client, much of the focus was on the controversial verdict that cleared Casey of the most serious charges.
Mason admitted, he didn't expect the not guilty verdict.
"Was I surprised? The answer is yes," Mason said.
Mason said he believes it was the right verdict, but was surprised because, he said, what the jury did took courage, given the public sentiment.
"They don't deserve to be criticized, they deserve to be memorialized," Mason said.
One audience member asked Mason if it was possible Casey was guilty and got away with murder.
"Well, I guess it's possible you can go to Venus this afternoon," Mason replied.
Cheney spoke on a variety of subjects surrounding his controversial client, including rumors of money.
"There are no offers from anyone for books, movies, or interviews," Mason said.
And he was asked if he really knows what happened to Caylee.
"I know she drowned in the pool. I've known that since the first day I got on the case," Mason said.
He also let it be known that Casey is safe for now. But admits, keeping her safe for the rest of her life will be a challenge.
Right now he doesn't know how it can be done..
"What are you going to do if you find her? Is somebody gonna go up and hit her, kill her, assault her? I don't know," Mason said.