We Remember Caylee Marie Anthony

Last Photo of Caylee: 6.15.08
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Juror #3 Jennifer Ford Interview's on Nightline -- First Payout of Caylee's Blood Money: Casey Anthony Juror #3 Jennifer Ford Interview on Nightline July 6, 2011
With complete disregard for an organized, professional group press conference with members of the media immediately following the not guilty verdict, the twelve jurors slipped off under veil of anonymity. Only one of the five alternate jurors spoke to the media, via phone, after returning home.
The twelve jurors that found Casey Anthony not guilty, are now shopping media outlets and other sources for their "stories", and they are asking a price.
That price comes in the form of Caylee's blood money.
The first of the jurors to receive Caylee's blood money is Juror #3, Jennifer Ford.
Jennifer Ford granted ABC/Disney an interview - edited to less than 10 minutes - in exchange for an all expense paid trip to Disney World for her immediately family as well as nieces and other family members.
Ford says "she did not say Casey is innocent" but is sickened by the verdict.
So are we Jennifer, so are we. Enjoy Disney and your 15 minutes.
Jennifer Ford aka Juror #3
ABC's Nightline Interview
July 6, 2011
“I toggled on manslaughter and not guilty,” Ford told “Nightline” anchor Terry Moran in an exclusive TV interview. “It doesn’t feel good. It was a horrible decision to have to make.”
“Everyone wonders why we didn’t speak to the media right away,” Ford said. “It was because we were sick to our stomach to get that verdict. We were crying, and not just the women. It was emotional and we weren’t ready. We wanted to do it with integrity and not contribute to the sensationalism of the trial.”
Ford told Moran she thought Casey Anthony’s claim that her 2-year-old daughter accidentally drowned and she lied for three years was more believable than the evidence the prosecution presented.
When asked about the chloroform and duct tape, Ford responded "I was all over the place with that. It was like I was in a maze and couldn't figure a way out."
"You can't punish someone for something if you don't know what they did." "If someone gave us a piece of paper and put us in a room and told us to write down how Caylee died, we couldn't do it." "No one in America can say how she died."
Juror 3, it was NOT YOUR JOB to PUNISH Casey Anthony. It WAS your JOB to LISTEN TO THE EVIDENCE and USE COMMON SENSE. YOU were not handing down PUNISHMENT in this phase. Did you skim over the words "Caylee is Dead" on the Juror Instruction sheet?
The twelve jurors that found Casey Anthony not guilty, are now shopping media outlets and other sources for their "stories", and they are asking a price.
That price comes in the form of Caylee's blood money.
The first of the jurors to receive Caylee's blood money is Juror #3, Jennifer Ford.
Jennifer Ford granted ABC/Disney an interview - edited to less than 10 minutes - in exchange for an all expense paid trip to Disney World for her immediately family as well as nieces and other family members.
Ford says "she did not say Casey is innocent" but is sickened by the verdict.
So are we Jennifer, so are we. Enjoy Disney and your 15 minutes.
Jennifer Ford aka Juror #3
ABC's Nightline Interview
July 6, 2011
“I toggled on manslaughter and not guilty,” Ford told “Nightline” anchor Terry Moran in an exclusive TV interview. “It doesn’t feel good. It was a horrible decision to have to make.”
“Everyone wonders why we didn’t speak to the media right away,” Ford said. “It was because we were sick to our stomach to get that verdict. We were crying, and not just the women. It was emotional and we weren’t ready. We wanted to do it with integrity and not contribute to the sensationalism of the trial.”
Ford told Moran she thought Casey Anthony’s claim that her 2-year-old daughter accidentally drowned and she lied for three years was more believable than the evidence the prosecution presented.
When asked about the chloroform and duct tape, Ford responded "I was all over the place with that. It was like I was in a maze and couldn't figure a way out."
"You can't punish someone for something if you don't know what they did." "If someone gave us a piece of paper and put us in a room and told us to write down how Caylee died, we couldn't do it." "No one in America can say how she died."
Juror 3, it was NOT YOUR JOB to PUNISH Casey Anthony. It WAS your JOB to LISTEN TO THE EVIDENCE and USE COMMON SENSE. YOU were not handing down PUNISHMENT in this phase. Did you skim over the words "Caylee is Dead" on the Juror Instruction sheet?
Remember Caylee
Song: "Mad World" Gary Jules
"I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.. It's a mad, mad world.."
Video courtesy Sean Krause '08
Sleep Well Friend,
Justice for Caylee has finally begun
~SM 6.23.11
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- SpoiledMom
- United States
- child of God, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend. Live life with arms wide open, living, laughing, and loving out loud. Blessed for each day I am given. Cancer survivor x 2. And for this... I am Spoiled.