the entire listing of documents can be found by clicking here: New Documents Released Wednesday
I am in the process of making some of the more informative documents easier to read per requests by readers. This may not be posted until tomorrow due to a Blogger scheduled service outage. As soon as I have completed, I will have them re-posted. Until then, you can click on the link above and use the windows magnifier in the bottom right hand corner of your screen to make larger.

A new set of documents in the Casey Anthony case are being released Wednesday morning.
The material includes confirmation from a forensic report that duct tape, along with a heart shaped sticker was found on the skull of Casey Anthony’s daughter, Caylee. (See documents at bottom of article)
Related Content: PDF: Search Warrant / PDF: Car Evidence / Video
Caylee’s remains were found in woods in east Orange County. Casey Anthony is charged with first-degree murder in connection with her daughter’s death.
Other documents include investigators’ reports and other details on meter reader Roy Kronk, who found the remains.
Another report quotes a friend of Casey Anthony who said that Anthony mentioned wanting to use cold medicine to get Caylee to sleep.
Also of importance, the clothing found with Caylee's remains do not match those that George Anthony reported last seeing her wearing on Monday, June 16, 2008.
Duct tape and a heart shaped sticker were also found on the remains of the skull.
PDF: Search Warrant For Anthony Home
PDF: Evidence From Anthony's Car
These are the documents that have been released as of this post. As the remaining documents are released I will post. **updated 4:30pm 1/21/09 to add addition of entire document listing***
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