We Remember Caylee Marie Anthony

Last Photo of Caylee: 6.15.08
Sunday, January 18, 2009
The Lost Jail Visit - Cindy George Visit Casey Orig. Visit Date: 8.18.08
This is the "lost" jail visitation video of Cindy and George's visit with Casey on August 14, 2008. The release date was January 15, 2009.
As the video begins, Cindy is already crying due to a blow up with the media upon entering the Jail Visitation Center.
Cindy: Dad blew up at the media this morning.
Casey: Yeah, I heard.
Cindy: Someone said this morning that Caylee is dead, that she drown in the pool. That's the new information out there.
Casey: Surprise, Surprise.
Cindy: It's very hard.
Cindy: We need to have something to go on.
Casey: Mom, I have nothing to go on. I've been here a month Ive been here a month today. Do you understand how i feel? Do you understand how i feel about this? I have nothing to go on. I have to sit here and wait and wonder. I wonder if there is something new.
George takes the phone and proceeds to tell Casey that she is in control and the boss. Casey disagrees and then blows up on George and Cindy because they are not letting her speak.
Casey: Everything has been taken from me. I have nothing. I've been here a month. What am I supposed to learn from that?
CASEY: is "so frustrated and can't swallow..." Casey hasn't been this upset since she has been in jail.
Casey: "there is only so much I can do."
George asks Casey how she got through 'last Saturday' which would have been Caylee's 3rd Birthday.
Casey states she "is still recovering" from breaking down on Caylee's birthday because she heard "there were a bunch of people at the house, and Mom made a lot of food."
Casey quotes Bible scripture; "God says to love thy neighbor" and "share what you have with others."
Casey and George talk about Casey's eating habits. Casey doesn't want to be started at all day so she eats and sleeps so the Corrections Officers won't "say anything to her".
Casey is "running low on steam" states her "eyes are red, but not from sleeping". Casey then begins to say she is sick with a cold, "she can feel it" but George cuts her off to hand the phone to Cindy. Casey rolls her eyes.
Cindy takes the phone:
Casey: Stuff being said is being completely, completely fabricated and twisted. I'm not going to give the media anything when i get out of here--sucks for them because I have nothing to say. All I want is my kid back and to be with my family. That's all I want. That's all I'm asking. I'm not going to ask the media. I will do whatever the hell I have to to get my family back together. That's it. That's all I want to do.
Cindy: Do you still think she is okay?
Casey: I know in my heart Mom. I know in my gut shes alright. I can feel it everyday. That gets stronger everyday. And I still know shes coming home i can still feel that shes coming home.
Cindy: What can I say on air to Zanny? What do you want me to tell her to make her bring her back?
Casey: Just tell her we forgive her.
Casey: (re: law enforcement) I want their help as much as we can get it, but they have to help us too. It cant be one sided.
I have to be looked at as a victim because I am just as much a victim as the rest of you and it hasn't been portrayed that way.
As the video begins, Cindy is already crying due to a blow up with the media upon entering the Jail Visitation Center.
Cindy: Dad blew up at the media this morning.
Casey: Yeah, I heard.
Cindy: Someone said this morning that Caylee is dead, that she drown in the pool. That's the new information out there.
Casey: Surprise, Surprise.
Cindy: It's very hard.
Cindy: We need to have something to go on.
Casey: Mom, I have nothing to go on. I've been here a month Ive been here a month today. Do you understand how i feel? Do you understand how i feel about this? I have nothing to go on. I have to sit here and wait and wonder. I wonder if there is something new.
George takes the phone and proceeds to tell Casey that she is in control and the boss. Casey disagrees and then blows up on George and Cindy because they are not letting her speak.
Casey: Everything has been taken from me. I have nothing. I've been here a month. What am I supposed to learn from that?
CASEY: is "so frustrated and can't swallow..." Casey hasn't been this upset since she has been in jail.
Casey: "there is only so much I can do."
George asks Casey how she got through 'last Saturday' which would have been Caylee's 3rd Birthday.
Casey states she "is still recovering" from breaking down on Caylee's birthday because she heard "there were a bunch of people at the house, and Mom made a lot of food."
Casey quotes Bible scripture; "God says to love thy neighbor" and "share what you have with others."
Casey and George talk about Casey's eating habits. Casey doesn't want to be started at all day so she eats and sleeps so the Corrections Officers won't "say anything to her".
Casey is "running low on steam" states her "eyes are red, but not from sleeping". Casey then begins to say she is sick with a cold, "she can feel it" but George cuts her off to hand the phone to Cindy. Casey rolls her eyes.
Cindy takes the phone:
Casey: Stuff being said is being completely, completely fabricated and twisted. I'm not going to give the media anything when i get out of here--sucks for them because I have nothing to say. All I want is my kid back and to be with my family. That's all I want. That's all I'm asking. I'm not going to ask the media. I will do whatever the hell I have to to get my family back together. That's it. That's all I want to do.
Cindy: Do you still think she is okay?
Casey: I know in my heart Mom. I know in my gut shes alright. I can feel it everyday. That gets stronger everyday. And I still know shes coming home i can still feel that shes coming home.
Cindy: What can I say on air to Zanny? What do you want me to tell her to make her bring her back?
Casey: Just tell her we forgive her.
Casey: (re: law enforcement) I want their help as much as we can get it, but they have to help us too. It cant be one sided.
I have to be looked at as a victim because I am just as much a victim as the rest of you and it hasn't been portrayed that way.
Remember Caylee
Song: "Mad World" Gary Jules
"I find it kinda funny, I find it kinda sad. The dreams in which I'm dying are the best I've ever had.. It's a mad, mad world.."
Video courtesy Sean Krause '08
Sleep Well Friend,
Justice for Caylee has finally begun
~SM 6.23.11
2008-2011 © spoiledmom
photos: 2008 -2011 © spoiledmom images
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copyright 2008-2011 "SpoiledMom". "All Rights Reserved" under Creative Commons Copyright. Includes all text, including, but not limited to, captions and post titles. Text not authored by SpoiledMom is credited to original author or reference.
(excludes media photos where indictated and credited to owner)
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- SpoiledMom
- United States
- child of God, Mother, Daughter, Sister, Friend. Live life with arms wide open, living, laughing, and loving out loud. Blessed for each day I am given. Cancer survivor x 2. And for this... I am Spoiled.