Baez sharpens his court skills this week
Two hearings are scheduled for today in an Orange County Court room. The first is the anticipatory ruling by Judge Strickland on whether the defense will receive the photos of the state's autopsy and if so, if they will have to follow any special precedents over the photographs, x-rays, and other media that involves Caylee Anthony's remains.
The prosecution is arguing that the defense could allow the evidence to be distributed in a manner that would result in the photos of Caylee's remains, as well as other evidence, falling into the hands of someone wanting to profit from the case. In other words, the prosecution does not want to see Caylee's remains as the spread of next week's National Enquirer or the Globe. Prosecutors are fighting tooth and nail not to let this child be exploited in death, and fear that any monies made if this were to happen would profit the defense and the Anthony family.
Brad Conway states that while the Anthony's do not want to see Caylee's remains in the media, they feel the defense has a right to the photographs and other autopsy evidence. Conway said the toddler's funeral has been put on hold for now. He said it is important to George and Cindy Anthony to support the state's motion to limit what Casey Anthony's defense team can do with photos of the remains. Conway met with the lead investigators and prosecutors in the case against Casey Anthony to make sure they're aware that the family does not want photos and X-rays of the remains exploited in any way. Investigators also commented on the status of their case.
"Everything is going in a good direction, so we're happy with the way things are proceeding," FBI representative Nick Savage said.
My argument is that the defense has already completed their autopsy, 5 days ago as we learned yesterday, they have their findings, and there is no need for them to have photos of the remains. Dr. Werner Spitz conducted the autopsy for the defense. The samples he was provided should have been enough for the defense to conduct their testing. That cannot be provided by a photograph.
The only other person that needs a photo of the remains would be Casey. One to hang in her jail cell for the remainder of her life. But something tells me it wouldn't effect her. It would have 'the potential' to annoy her, if anything. As someone stated in the comments or in the chat, "Casey is a complete waste of good oxygen."Jose Baez, will argue the state's motion in court on Thursday. He wrote about the defense's stance in a response to the state's motion."It would create an undue and unheard-of burden upon the defense," Baez said in a written response.
Baez seems to forget who caries the burden of proof. Me thinks he doth protest too much.
This hearing is scheduled for 1:30 pm EST/12:30CST
The hearing regarding the deposing of Casey for the Zenaida Gonzalez civil suit is scheduled for 11:00am EST / 10am CST.
Hearing Regarding Civil Suit By Zenaida Gonzales
Also on Thursday, another judge will decide whether Casey Anthony will be required to complete a deposition from jail for the Zenaida Gonzalez civil suit case. Casey can utilize her fifth amendment right, but due to her counter-suit, she will have to talk at some point. Good job, Baez!
Gonzalez claims Anthony ruined her name when she told detectives that a woman with that name took Caylee.
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