Jose Baez and his client, Casey Anthony
Jose Baez holds yet another impromptu press conference. Baez discusses Casey's appearance and rambles on about the case.
If Casey's appearance is irrelevant to the case, then why did you go to all the trouble to have her dressed professionally? Stop whining Baez and go work on the case. You got what you wanted, you wanted the media attention. You have become another media whore in this entire horrid affair.
Baez seems to be getting better at dealing with the news media than he is performing in court. I, as much as anyone, want Casey to get a "fair trial". Baez, who himself, wanted Casey dressed and not in her jail garb, brushes off questions from the media, as they are paying too much attention as to what Casey is wearing. Jose, take some advise, shut the hell up and prepare your case. I for one am tired of seeing your face and hearing your voice spewing the same garbage each time the microphone is in your face. Your ramblings do you no justice.
I find your comments earlier this week regarding your being the first Hispanic lawyer to defend a case of this magnitude remarkable. You are wanting a pat on the back with one hand and with the other one of your motions today (Motion to Recuse)concerned comments you supposedly made regarding Lawson Lamar and his election, and that you feel were reported to the Florida Bar by the prosecution.
The irony is, stated clearly on Lamar's website, Lawson Lamar won the approval of the Hispanic community by the endorsement of Lawson Lamar by the Hispanic Civil Alliance of Central Florida on Tuesday, July 29, 2008. Clearly after Baez signed on as defense counsel for Casey Anthony.
My thoughts are what does the Hispanic Civil Alliance think of Baez's statements and that he has brought this action against the State's Attorney and the prosecutors on this case?
The article from Lawson Lamar's Blog can be read here
I hope the State of Florida does not need to spend a vast amount of the tax-payers' money for prosecution of such an heinous defendant. However, I do hope they pull out all the stops in order to see that justice for Caylee is served once and for all.
If not for Casey and her egregious ways, this case, as well as Caylee, could have been put to rest several months ago. I surely hope the fact that Casey, while incarcerated, not once, but three times, continued to elude investigators' pleas for her assistance in finding Caylee's body. The entire time Caylee's remains lie, although bagged, yet openly, in the Florida heat, enduring 100 degree plus temperatures, not to mention Hurricane Faye, and numerous bouts of heavy rainfall. Yet, all the while, Casey remained quiet regarding the location of Caylee, giving only the "Zanny the Nanny" kidnapping theory. While investigators and prosecutors built their case, Casey utilized her jail time placing commissary orders of beauty products, name brand water, chocolates and snacks, paid for by donations from people who seem to have a slight bit of empathy for her. Casey has had more money deposited into her account by men and women following the case than her own family.
Although I am for the death penalty, I feel, at times, that sentence would be "an easy out" for Casey. On the other hand, I do not think she has feelings that would hinder her days in prison. I think that Caylee would, if not already, become a distant memory to Casey and something that Casey had nothing to do with period. Casey would more than likely obtain her GED, and proceed to study college courses, possibly gaining a degree. With that said, I feel the death penalty would be sufficient in this case. I think we will have to wait until the trial begins to see what the defense presents and if Casey has the ability to exhibit any morality and true feelings of what has happened. As we saw Friday at the hearing, Casey still has the ability to laugh and smile at the smallest of things. I know in the depths of my heart, if I lost a child, it would be forever and a day before I could muster a half smile, not to mention a laugh.
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