The remains of Caylee Anthony were placed in a cloth-laundry hamper bag that was put inside a plastic garbage bag, and authorities found a Winnie the Pooh blanket and a toy near the area where her bones were found, according to newly released documents.
More than 100 pages of documents, including a search warrant and crime-scene technician reports, were released today in the Casey Anthony case as part of the discovery process.
Caylee's remains were found last month by a utility worker in a wooded area located one-quarter mile from a home owned by Casey Anthony's parents, where she and Caylee lived.
The documents said that duct tape was found wrapped around Caylee's skull and Orange County sheriff's detectives discovered a small heart-shaped sticker nearby. Analysts from the FBI found sticky residue on the duct tape in the same shape as the sticker, the documents said.
A small, plastic toy and a Winnie the Pooh blanket were also found near Caylee's body, and clothing was discovered inside the bag containing her remains, according to the documents. Among the clothing items were a size 3T shirt, a pair of white shorts with vertical stripes and small cloth-type letters that appeared to be iron-ons, the documents said.
The clothing is different than the clothes that Caylee's grandfather, George Anthony, claimed he last saw Caylee wearing June 16, the last day he saw her alive. As readers know, I have always disputed that George ever saw Caylee on the 16th.
Investigators serving a search warrant a the Anthony home were looking for duct tape, garbage bags, laundry bags, blankets, Winnie the Pooh items and a sheet of stickers that may have once contained a heart-shaped sticker.
entire listing of documents may be found here:
Search of Anthony's Back YardMeanwhile, the documents have shed new light on a search of Casey Anthony's parents' home that occurred in mid-July, shortly after Caylee was reported missing.
The neighbor who lent a shovel to Casey Anthony in mid-June, Brian Burner, told authorities that George Anthony, Casey's father, mentioned that the ground in his back yard had been disturbed.
In an exclusive tour of the yard previously given by the Anthony's, the ground behind the swimming pool was disturbed.
A report released on Wednesday says that a 12-by-5-inch section of dirt was disturbed, so Orange County sheriff's deputies called in cadaver dogs that indicated a human body had once been on the ground near the pool and an area near Caylee's playhouse.
Investigators dug up the area in mid-July and found nothing.
Casey Anthony borrowed the shovel June 18 -- two days after Caylee was last seen alive -- and returned to her parents' house for about an hour, records show. Investigators believe Caylee was likely dead by then.
"So did the killer lay Caylee's body in the back yard -- in or near her playhouse -- while trying unsuccessfully to dig a grave?" investigative reporter Tony Pipitone asked. "It's just a theory, but one supported, in part, by the material turned over to the defense and made public today by the state attorney's office."
I feel like throwing up! Heart shaped sticker! Oh my GOD!!!!!
I know Michelle, I know...
And the clothes...they did not match what George said he saw her wearing on Monday the 16th...
I always said he NEVER saw Caylee on Monday...
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