During one of Baez's many motion hearings, the prosecution fought hard to keep Baez and Dream Team away from the crime scene where little Caylee's remains were found, and also to deny Baez's experts access to the State's autopsy. The prosecution's theory was that if the defense was allowed access, there would be leaks of information concerning what could be priority evidence in the case. The prosecutor also cited that after the defense was given permission to perform their own testing on Casey's car, within less than 24 hours, Dr. Henry Lee was on TV speaking of the contents found in the car, the interior of the car, and in general the condition of the car itself.
Dr. Henry Lee, famed forensic scientist, was the mouthpiece for the defense on Nancy Grace Wednesday. He stated that the second autopsy on little Caylee's remains was performed five days ago by Dr. Werner Spitz, famed for the Nicole Brown Simpson and JonBenet Ramsey cases. Spitz's work goes back to John F. Kennedy as well.
I am assuming that the body is being held, pending test results from the defense's autopsy. Nancy Grace argued that the defense did not need the remains now to continue any further examination.
As I mentioned in a previous blog, Dr. Lee, keep in mind, is a criminalist, not a pathologist. This simply means Lee would not be looking for a cause of death. Forensic expert criminalists such as Dr. Lee, examines a body for trace evidence. That is evidence such as any hair or hairs not belonging to the victim; fibers; in some cases, bullet fragments; basically, any "trace" evidence that is found on the victim's body that does not belong to the victim.
That's one for the prosecution, they called it. With today's other courtroom action, no wonder they are fighting tooth and nail to keep the video of the autopsy, photos of the remains, x-rays, and other pertinent autopsy information, within the confines of Baez's office at most. They have a great fear that someone from the defense will leak, read sell, photos of Caylee's remains to the public. Prosecution is asking for special circumstances on the way this evidence is handled such as no transmittal to the "dream team" via fax, Internet, US mail, or any transmittal, for that matter. The judges ruling, if in favor of the state, would pertain to the State of Florida only. So if Baez, for example faxed a document to Dr. Lee, in Connecticut, what Dr. Lee does with the document in Connecticut is not covered by the Florida ruling.
The prosecution is petitioning that the experts be ordered to Orlando to view the autopsy findings so the evidence does not leave the jurisdiction.
At this time, still no word on when funeral arrangements will be made for Caylee. My thoughts are that maybe the defense wants a hold on the remains until their tests return. It's been five days, already! Five more long days that precious girl's remains have been in a cardboard box. This is extremely heart wrenching to me, I can not imagine what George and Cindy are going through, really, I can not imagine. I do not know their thinking behind what they do sometimes.
Caylee's remains are at Robert Bryant Funeral and Cremation Chapel in Orlando.
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